Math Project # 1 - Percentage

Answer the questions below with the way how you find the answer!

Anita sells her ring at the price of Rp.540,000.00. If Anita gets the profit of 20%, then how much does Anita buy that ring?
100%/120% x Rp.540,000.00 = Rp.Rp.450,000.00

Mr.Benny buys a car at the price of 40 millions rupiahs. Then he sells that car and gets the profit of 15%. How much does Mr.Benny sell the car?
115%/100% x Rp.40,000,000.00 = Rp.46,000,000.00

Ms.Jane buys a house at the price of Rp. 60,000,000.00. When she sells her house, she suffers the loss of 7%. How much does Ms.Jane sell her house?
93%/100% x Rp.60,000,000.00 = Rp.55,800,000.00

When John sells his watch at the price of Rp.195,000.00, he suffers the loss of 40%. How much does John buy his watch?
100%/60% x Rp.195,000.00 = Rp.325,000.00

Mr.Bill buys a house at the price of Rp.37,000,000.00. Then he spends Rp.13,000,000.00 to renovate the house. Find the percentage of profit/loss, if Mr.Bill sells the house at the price of Rp.60,000,000.00!
Profit = Rp.60,000,000.00 - (Rp.37,000,000.00 + Rp.13,000,000.00) = Rp.10,000,000.00
% Profit = Rp.10,000,000.00/Rp.50,000,000.00 x 100% = 20%

When a supermarket gives a discount of 15%, Budi buys a rice cooker at the price of Rp.420,000.00. How much does Budi pay the rice cooker at the cashier?
85%/100% x Rp.420,000.00 = Rp.357,000.00

The amount of money received by Mr.Michael as a prize of contest is 5 million rupiahs. If Mr.Michael should pay for the tax of 15%, then how much money can Mr.Michael take to his home?
85%/100% x Rp.5,000,000.00 = Rp.4,250,000.00

Yuni saves 75 million rupiahs in a bank. If the annual rate of interest is 17%, then how much does Yuni’s saving after she save for 4 months?
Deposit + Interest 4 months = Rp.75,000,000.00 + (4/12 x 17% x Rp.75,000,000.00) = Rp.79,250,000.00